On January 19, 2015 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published a new report dealing with substances, which have carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic properties (CMRs). The report aims to (i) analyze the extent to which registrants/notifiers classified CMR substances in accordance with the harmonized classification included in Annex VI of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (part A) and to (ii) identify which substances currently available on the EU market are classified for CMR properties by at least some notifiers/registrants but are lacking harmonized CMR classification (part B). The results show that the vast majority of companies are adhering well to the harmonized classification of CMR substances. Nevertheless, for the limited number of cases in which deviations have been found, ECHA will initiate further action. Over a thousand CMR substances have been identified that require attention and might need further regulatory action such as harmonized classification or possibly even identification as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) under the European chemical regulation REACH. The report highlights that ECHA is now actively working with the national competent authorities of EU Member States to identify and prioritize such substances for suitable risk management actions.

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ECHA (January 19, 2015). “ECHA is prioritising CMR substances for risk management.

ECHA (January 19, 2015). “2014 CMR Report.(pdf)