On May 4, 2021, the European Commission (EC) began accepting feedback on its roadmap for the revision of the EU’s legislation on hazard classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) of chemicals. The EC recognizes “the CLP Regulation is in some respects unclear or incomplete on hazard identification, classification or the roles of different actors” and seeks to align the regulation with the objectives of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability adopted in October 2020 (FPF reported).

The feedback on the roadmap will help the EC outline which regulatory and non-regulatory changes to consider in cost-benefit analyses during the upcoming impact assessment phase of the CLP revision process. Comments are accepted from all stakeholders and the collected feedback will be made public. After the comment period, the EC will deliver a synopsis report “explaining how the [feedback] will be taken on board and, if applicable, why certain suggestions can’t be taken up.” Measures that may be examined during the impact assessment include: the introduction of new hazard classes, such as endocrine disruptors (FPF reported here and here); expanding the obligations of product hazard labeling; allowing multilingual foldout labels; simplifying administrative procedures related to the CLP; and requiring certain users to submit information to poison centers about substances considered to be health hazards.

Following the results of the impact assessment, the EC will present legislative proposals for changes to the CLP Regulation. Feedback on the roadmap is being accepted until June 1, 2021 at midnight Brussels time.

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European Commission (May 4, 2021). “Revision of EU legislation on hazard classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals.”