According to a news article published by Chemical Watch, the European Commission’s Directorate General (DG) Sanco will assume the responsibility for developing the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) criteria. With the recent announcement by incoming Commission President Juncker, DG Sanco will be in charge of the EU’s biocidal products and pesticides regulations during the next legislative period. As such, it will have “a higher stake” in proposing the new criteria, Bjørn Hansen, current head of the chemicals unit at DG Environment asserts. DG Environment, which is to be merged with DG Marine Affairs and Fisheries, will continue to be in charge of the EC’s overall EDC strategy and rulings on test methods needed to identify EDCs. Gwynne Lions of the chemical safety advocacy group ChemTrust voiced concerns that DG Sanco may pursue a more risk- rather than hazard-based approach to EDCs.

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Chemical Watch (September 18, 2014). “DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria.