On July 3, 2015 the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) informed about their proposal for a complex decision making matrix to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the EU. The decision matrix shall include five criteria to assess substances’ endocrine activity: potency, severity, and reversibility of endocrine effects, specificity of endocrine properties, and consistency of scientific studies. According to these criteria, substances can be categorized as “endocrine active substance”, “suspected endocrine disruptor” and “endocrine disruptor”. BfR presented their decision matrix at the EU conference “Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts” held on June, 1 2015 in Brussels (FPF reported) and their proposal received broad support from participants and the European Commission, BfR writes.

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BfR (July 3, 2015). “BfR proposes further EU criteria to identify endocrine disruptors.