On October 31, 2019, law firm Keller and Heckman LLP (KH) reported on the publication of implementation regulations for the Food Safety Law in China. The regulation contains 10 chapters and 86 articles that outline “detailed rules for food surveillance and assessment, food safety standards, food inspection, food import and export, etc.” The regulation is set to come into force on December 1, 2019.

China was expected to publish a number of regulations this fall according to an earlier analysis by KH (FPF reported), and within the past year the country has published a draft adhesives standard for food contact materials (FPF reported) as well as launched public consultations to collect additional information on specific substances (FPF reported in June and August). At a conference on food contact materials safety in Guangzhou, China in October, a government representative told the audience that the national agencies are working to revise existing as well as develop new FCM regulations.

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KH (October 31, 2019). “Breaking News: China Publishes Long-Awaited Food Safety Law Implementation Regulation.”


State Council of China (October 11, 2019). “Implementation Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Food Safety Law.” (in Chinese)