On April 13, 2021, testing provider SGS reported on the publication of China’s new standard GB/T 39514-2020 titled “Terminology, definition, identification of biobased materials,” which was originally released in November 2020. The standard defines the term “biobased material” as referring to any material of biological origins such as lignin, cellulose, chitin, and natural rubber or materials made by biological manufacturing processes including biodegradable plastic, and wood plastic material. In total, the standard sets legal definitions for 58 terms including “plastic,” “biodegradable plastic,” “composite,” and “renewable resource.”

Beginning June 1, 2021, a standardized identification code must be indelibly marked on products. Each identification code begins with BBM GB/T 39514—2020” representing the “biobased material as specified in regulation GB/T 39514—2020” followed by the product name of the material and the raw material component(s).

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SGS (April 13, 2021). “China releases a new national standard GB/T 3915-2020 ‘Terminology, definition, identification of biobased material.’”

ChineseStandard.net (April 10, 2021). “GB/T 39514—2020.”

The State Council of the People’s Republic of China (December 14, 2020). “Green revolution in express delivery packaging.”