An article published September 30, 2014 by The Wall Street Journal reports on the ban passed that day on the use of plastic bags in grocery stores and other businesses in California, U.S. While banning single use plastic bags, the ban scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2015 will allow the selling of reusable plastic bags and paper bags. Several major U.S. cities such as San Francisco and Portland already have plastic bag bans in place, but California is the first to enact statewide legislation.

California’s Governor Jerry Brown, who signed the bill, stressed that the ban will help to reduce environmental plastic pollution. Brown hopes that other states will follow California’s example.

The American Progressive Bag Alliance, an industry trade group representing plastic-bag makers, swiftly announced their plan to repeal the ban with a referendum. This is possible if a sufficient amount of signatures opposing the ban can be collected.

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Alejandro Lazo and Zusha Elinson (September 30, 2014). “California is first to ban plastic bags statewideThe Wall Street Journal.