In an article published October 6, 2014 on the science news provider Live Science, contributing writer Agata Baszczak-Boxe reports that children prenatally exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) may be at increased risk of lung problems. In a new epidemiological study, researchers from the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, U.S. found urinary BPA levels of 398 expecting mothers linked to children’s lung function at age four. The odds of persistent wheezing at age five increased four-fold with a ten-fold increase in the average concentration of urinary BPA in pregnant women. Urine samples were collected in week 16 and 26 of pregnancy. Children’s BPA levels were measured annually but early childhood exposure could not be associated with lung function. The study’s first author Adam Spanier recommends in the article that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should try to minimize their exposure.

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Agata Baszczak-Boxe (October 6, 2014). “BPA exposure during pregnancy linked to lung problems in children.Live Science.


Spanier, A. et al. (2014). “Bisphenol A exposure and the development of wheeze and lung function in children through age 5 years.JAMA Pediatrics  (published online October 06, 2014).