A new study presented June 17, 2013 at the Endocrine Society’s 95th Annual Meeting in San Francisco finds low dose exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) linked to prostate cancer. Gail Prins and colleagues exposed human prostate tissue, implanted (or: xenografted) into mice, to BPA. They observed that incidence rates for prostate cancer and a precancerous condition called prostate epithelial neoplasia (PIN) were higher in BPA exposed tissues. Prins, who is professor of physiology and urology at the University of Illinois stated her results may suggest “that stem cells are a direct BPA target”, leading to long lasting effects. The study used human prostate stem cells and implanted them into mice. These xenografted mice were exposed to BPA at levels found in humans. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

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