The Austrian environmental protection organization Global 2000 found infant feeding bottles to be free of BPA but only four of thirteen to be free of other controversial chemicals. The substances found in the baby bottles included benzophenone, 2,4-di-t-butyl-phenol, paraffins, ethylmethylbenzol, trimethylbenzol, di-t-butyl-cyclohexadiendion, diisopropylnaphtalin, benz(a)azuls, i-butylphtalate, butylphthalate, ethylstearate, ,6 diisoprpylnatphthalin and 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,4-gpentandiol-diisobutyrat (TXIB) of which benzophenone, 2,6 diisoprpylnatphthalin and 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,4-gpentandiol-diisobutyrat (TXIB) were found above the specific migration limit (SML). However, most of the chemicals could be measured but were not at high enough levels for exact quantification. Benzophenone was recently classified to be possibly carcinogenic to humans based on sufficient evidence from animal studies (IARC Benzophenone Monograph).

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Baby bottle report, Global 2000

Article, Global 2000