In a press release published April 25, 2014 the trade association American Chemistry Council (ACC) announced new principles to govern chemical hazard and risk assessment. According to the press release by Scott Jensen, the principles shall result in more accurate and useful information to help guide better chemical management decisions. The principles address four areas of improvement, namely design, data and methods, communication, and review and accountability. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reviews of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program and the 12th Report on Carcinogens (RoC) evaluations of formaldehyde and styrene will complement the ACC’s recommendations and are to set the benchmark for modernizing chemical risk assessment, the ACC states in the press release.

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Scott Jensen (April 25, 2014). “ACC Announces New Principles to Enhance Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessments.” ACC.

ACC (April 25, 2014) “Principles for Improving Federal Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment Programs.(pdf)