In an article published on March 23, 2018 by news provider Packaging Digest, journalist Lisa McTigue Pierce reported on a statement by U.S. trade association Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), asserting that around 90% of food cans sold in the U.S. today are free of bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7).

“Can makers and can lining companies take very seriously our responsibility to provide safe, quality packaging that consumers trust,” stated Robert Budway, president of CMI. He explained that CMI surveyed can makers and can lining companies to determine the percentage of BPA-free cans. In response to consumer concerns and market demands, BPA-based epoxy phenolic can coatings were replaced mostly with acrylic and polyester materials. “All new materials are extensively tested and are cleared by regulatory agencies before being sold in the market,” McTigue Pierce informed. Budway expects the percentage of BPA-free cans to increase “because when consumers made clear their preference to move away from BPA, the industry was eager to respond and committed to the research and testing necessary to find high-performing alternatives.”

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Lisa McTigue Pierce (February 20, 2018). “Most food cans no longer use BPA in their linings.Packaging Digest

The Canmaker (March 23, 2018). “Food cans in the U.S. are almost all BPA free, says industry body.