News Article

Bisphenol S

Bisphenol S is used as a substitute of BPA in food contact materials, in a new context article the Food Packaging Forum reports on applications, toxicity, exposure and regulation of BPS

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Proposals for change from inside and outside the US FDA

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposes structural changes within the institution in response to recent critique; includes increased focus on nutrition, partnerships with other regulatory authorities and incorporating outside advisors; Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) publishes report on obesogens; encourages FDA to ‘incorporate framework’ to identify obesogens and other endocrine disruptors when reviewing chemical safety

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Court rules FDA perchlorate exemption allowed

US federal court sides with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the use of perchlorate in food packaging; FDA’s 2017 denial of a citizen petition to regulate perchlorate in plastic food packaging “was neither arbitrary nor capricious… and did not violate the Food Act”

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Petition calls for US FDA to consider cumulative effects

Coalition requests US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to follow its own mandate to consider cumulative effects of chemicals present during safety assessments; covers chemicals directly added to food, substances migrating from food packaging, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS); finds only 1 of 877 existing GRAS notifications adhered to requirement

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FDA denies citizen petition to ban phthalates in food contact materials

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejects two citizen petitions from 2016 asking it to remove 28 phthalates from food contact use for safety reasons; grants industry petition to remove 23 phthalates due to abandonment; FDA issues request for information on use and safety information of remaining phthalates; comments accepted until July 19, 2022

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FDA's GRAS review is efficient

Environmental Defense Fund + Business blog explains FDA’s review procedure for food additives ‘generally recognized as safe’ and highlights importance of FDA safety review to ensure food safety