California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) intends to declare bisphenol A (BPA) a reproductive hazard, based on findings by the National Toxicology Program published in 2008. Under a state bill known as Proposition 65 listing BPA as a reproductive hazard would require manufacturers to put warning signs on products containing BPA, but only for exposures above 290µg/day.

This disclosure has triggered a debate, as, according to the National Resources Defense Council, such a high acceptable level is unlikely to trigger any actual warning signs on food packaging. The American Chemistry Council on the other hand has issued a statement saying that the OEHHA’s decision is not supported by the weight of scientific evidence.

So far, BPA has been banned from infant feeding bottles in the US. In other applications it has been partially been replaced with substitutes such as bisphenol S (BPS).

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American Chemistry Council

Environmental Health News

Food Production Daily

National Defense Council – Sarah Janssen’s Blog

National Toxicology Program Report on Bisphenol A (2008)

Notice of intent to list: bisphenol A – OEHHA, California, US

North American Metal Packaging Alliance