In conjunction with other European partners, the German Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial and Bioprocess engineering (IGB) has developed various methods  to remove persistent contaminants, including bisphenol A (BPA) and antibiotics, from waste water. To remove BPA from waste water, the Fraunhofer IGB has developed a removal process based on selective adsorbent particles. Using NANOCYTES ® process, the researchers from the IGB were able to  manufacture molecularly imprinted adsorbent particles able to adsorb contaminants.The particles can be regenerated and reused. The Fraunhofer IGB has so far used the method to remove bisphenol A and penicillin G from waste water.

The Fraunhofer IGB further developed an oxidative-electrochemical treatment as part of the EU funded CleanLeachate project. Another contaminant removal process uses reactive species from atmospheric plasma, an ionized gas, to remove contaminants from water (Water Plasma project). The research was presented at the Wasser Berlin exhibition from April 23 to 26, 2013.

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Fraunhofer IGB