On June 24, 2013 the Swiss Federal Council (government) filed an application to reject a motion by Member of Parliament Luc Barthassat (Christian Democratic People, Geneva). The motion requests the banning of bisphenol A (BPA) (Motion 13.3337). The Federal Council stated that it awaits an internal report on benefits and risks of BPA. The report is scheduled for the end of 2013 and shall also consider the findings of the French National Agency for Sanitary Security, Food, Environment and Labor (ANSES).

Whereas BPA is only banned from baby bottles in the European Union, France adopted a law on December 13, 2012 that foresees to ban BPA from all food contact materials by January 2015. The French Parliament based its decision on findings from the French National Agency for Sanitary Security, Food, Environment and Labor (ANSES). ANSES published a new assessment of the health risks of BPA on April 9, 2013 (FPF reported previously).

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Swiss National Council (German)