On October 7, 2013 Ida Auken and Lena Ek, Ministers for the Environment in Denmark and Sweden sent a letter to the European Commissioners of Industry and Entrepreneurship, and the Environment, Antonio Tajani and Janez Potočnik. In their letter Auken and Ek express concern about the apparent delay of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) criteria under Regulation EC 528/2012 on biocides. Auken and Ek further respond critically to the information that a currently prepared public consultation on scientific EDC criteria may also take into account socio-economic criteria, rather than focusing exclusively on scientific criteria. They contend that regulation EC 528/2012 only delegates the power to devise purely scientific criteria to the Commission. Accordingly, socio-economic considerations should only be of relevance when the use of an EDC shall be approved despite determined EDC properties. The non-governmental organization ChemSec reported on the letter on October 30, 2013.

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ChemSec (October 30, 2017). “Letter on EDCs to Commissioners Potočnik and Tajani from Swedish and Danish Ministers for the Environment