According to an article published on November 15, 2013 on the web page of the European Parliament, the European Commission (EC) announced the delay of the endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) criteria, which was scheduled for the end of 2013. In response to the announcement, 30 representatives of the EDC-Free Europe campaign presented a photo collage to EC president José Manuel Barroso expressing concerns over the presence of EDCs in everyday products. Génon Jensen, author of the article on the European Parliament web page and executive director of the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), a partner in the EDC-Free Europe campaign, believes that it is industry pressure rather than scientific controversy about the criteria, delaying the EC’s action. She urges the EC to “stand up to industry” and publish a revised EDC strategy as soon as possible.

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Génon Jensen (November 15, 2013). “Commission delay over endocrine disruptors ‘prolonging public exposure.European Parliament.