On February 12, 2014 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a scientific opinion considering the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recycling process “APPE Supercycle B” safe for food contact. On the same day, EFSA also published scientific opinions considering the PET recycling process “FPR”, which is based on the Starlinger Recostar PET IV+ technology, and the PET recycling process “LPR” based on EREMA Advanced and Corotronic SSP® technology as safe for food contact.

EFSA concludes that all 3 recycling process ensure that the migration of potential contaminants into food does not exceed 0.1 μg/kg food, based on challenge tests and modeled migration. The recycling stream shall not contain more than 5% PET from non-food consumer applications.


EFSA (February 12, 2014). “Scientific Opinion on the safety assessment of the process "APPE Supercycle B" used to recycle PET for use in food contact materials.” EFSA Journal 2014;12(2):3573 [15 pp.].

EFSA (February 12, 2014). “Scientific Opinion on the safety assessment of the process FPR based on Starlinger Recostar PET IV+technology used to recycle post-consumer PET into food contact materials.EFSA Journal 12(2):3572[15pp.].