The derivation of a safe exposure level is a key aspect of chemical risk assessment. Traditionally, Reference Doses (RfDs) or Tolerable Daily Intakes (TDIs) are derived from no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs) or lowest-observed effect levels (LOAELs) as measured in animal studies. However, extrapolation from NOAELs and LOAELs is limited by its strong dependency on the choice of dose groups and its failure to account for the shape of the dose-response curve. In response to these weaknesses, Benchmark Dose (BMD) modeling was developed, which is normally carried out on a chemical-by-chemical basis. In a new study reported on by the Food Packaging Forum, researchers from the University of California and other U.S. institutions have developed a standardized approach, allowing for the batch calculation of benchmark doses (BMD) and lower benchmark doses (BMDL) from large datasets.

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FPF report “Standardizing Benchmark Dose (BMD) calculations