On April 7, 2014 the Michigan State University (MSU) and US Grocery Manufacturers Association published a press release announcing the foundation of a new Center for Research on Ingredient Safety (CRIS). According to the press release, CRIS will be an independent, academic, science-based center providing balanced information, research, training and analysis. CRIS will have an annual budget of US 1$ million to carry out primary and applied research and review scientific methodology used for evaluating the safety of chemicals in consumer products packaging, including food contact materials. CRIS, which will be located at MSU, will be governed by a scientific advisory board and supported through funds contributed by organizations and individual supporters. Goals of CRIS include basic and applied research on ingredient safety, development and validation of testing methods, establishment of a graduate training program and information of public health professionals, regulators and academic scientists on issues regarding packaging ingredient safety.

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MSU (April 7, 2014). “Ingredient safety center to be located at MSU.