First started in 2017, FitNESS is an ERASMUS+ funded EU project that provides an online platform with free access to courses about the design and use of responsible food packaging. Developed by a consortium of European universities specializing in food packaging teaching and research, over three months of course content including slides and recorded lectures are already publicly available. A range of topics are covered from physical material properties to regulatory requirements to food contact chemical hazards and risk assessment.

In November 2021, the project received a second round of public funding to create an improved and expanded version of the training platform. The new FitNESS 2.0 platform aims to reach a broader audience in the food packaging value chain, from the chemical industry to recyclers, and to offer certificates for course completions validated by online tests. New training modules are also being added to cover relevant areas such as reuse and recycling, plastic pollution, permanent vs non-permanent materials, and chemicals hazards such as endocrine disruptors, mixture effects, and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS).

The platform will contribute to accelerating the digital transformation of education and training systems in the food packaging sector by bridging education, research, and innovation, as well as by creating a global community within the field and offering new training paths for current and future professionals. The Food Packaging Forum is an associate partner within FitNESS 2.0 and is actively contributing to the update of existing content and creation of new modules.

An introduction to the platform and ongoing development of the new version can be found on the project website and in a recent webinar. The second version of the training platform is expected to launch in 2024.


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FitNESS 2.0 (September 2022). “About the FitNESS Project.”