On November 24, 2020, the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) released a press statement about a newly launched packaging symbol being called the “Glass Hallmark.”

The organization reports that a survey of 10 000 European consumers from 13 countries by market researcher InSites Consulting revealed that Europeans are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of packaging. The survey finds that a majority consider “glass to be the safest, healthiest, most environmentally friendly form of packaging.”

Nevertheless, it finds that only 42% of customers buy products packaged in glass because they consider it can be recycled more than other packaging, and 31% because it gives them a strong feeling of health and safety.

Industry and consumers are reported to have designed the label collaboratively to highlight the health and environmental benefits of glass visually at “one glance.” It aims to provide brands the opportunity to demonstrate their commitments towards sustainability and health and to help to inform consumers about them.

Michel Giannuzzi, President of the FEVE, commented: “This symbol marks the first milestone on our journey to work together with customers and brands to provide packaging solutions that answer to a growing sustainability focus from consumers.” FEVE explains that all glass packaging can be labeled with this symbol, including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, perfumery, and cosmetic products.

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FEVE (November 24, 2020). “Glass industry launches new sustainability hallmark for people and planet and invites brands to join forces.”