On May 16, 2019, the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) announced the development of a “Conceptual Framework for Polymer Risk Assessment (CF4Polymers).” The framework “reviews the state-of-the-science [of] polymer grouping and risk assessment procedures and provides guiding principles for assessing potential ecological and human health hazards and risks from polymer products.” The full framework report reviews steps within the framework including polymer identification, grouping approach evaluation, determination of exposure scenarios, exposure characterization, hazard assessment, and risk characterization. It is described as taking into account “that polymers are diverse, versatile and complex, often containing intentionally (and non-intentionally) added substances – and that they can also change their form during different life cycle stages.”

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ECETOC (May 16, 2019). “Conceptual framework for polymer safety assessment.”

Chemical Watch (May 23, 2019). “ECETOC publishes conceptual framework for polymer risk assessment.


ECETOC (May 16, 2019). “TR 133-1 – The Conceptual Framework for Polymer Risk Assessment (CF4Polymers).”