In an article published on October 25, 2018, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch informed that “important players in the manufacture, import and downstream use of photoinitiators” plan to form a trade group that should serve as “a public and unified voice” for this industry, presented as “the Photoinitiators Platform.” The interested companies include “Europe’s largest producer of the substances used in coatings and inks, including those for sensitive packaging applications.”  

A spokesperson explained that the incentives for “join[ing] forces” included the fact that “ECHA is now looking into substances in a category approach, . . . as opposed to individual substances,” as well as “a demand from downstream users for more communication on toxicology.” In light of the upcoming review of food contact materials (FCM) regulation in the EU (FPF reported), there is a particular focus on “the potential of intentionally and non-intentionally added substances (IAS/NIAS) to migrate through packaging substances into food.” 

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Chemical Watch (October 26, 2018). “Photoinitiators to form trade group to handle REACH, FCM issues.