In an article published on September 25, 2018, non-governmental organization Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) introduced a manifesto published by the Green 10, a coalition of “ten of the largest environmental organizations representing tens of millions of citizens across Europe,” to which HEAL also belongs.

The manifesto addresses candidates for the next European elections, upcoming in May 2019. It identifies four priority areas to be promoted, namely (1) “a European Union that makes environmental protection and climate top priorities,” (2) “better governance, not deregulation,” (3) “a European Union that upholds the rule of law and strengthens civil society,” and (4) “an accountable and exemplary European Commission.”

Among the “10 wins for people and the planet” that can be achieved with policy focused on these four priority areas, Green 10 highlights “healthy ecosystems,” “detoxing Europe’s future,” and “clean circular economy” with “harmonize[d] chemicals, products and waste laws.”

The coalition calls on the EU to “reduce people’s exposure to hazardous chemicals, while accelerating substitution with safer alternatives.” Further, it calls for regulations aimed at “protect[ing] the environment and people’s health from pesticides, endocrine disruptors, … other toxic chemicals.” Green 10 also points out that the EU “needs coherent policies to prevent waste” and to “protect […] material cycles from toxic chemicals.” A “sustainable Europe” should “respect planetary boundaries” and “prevent the costs of environmental pollution from being passed onto future generations.”

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HEAL (September 25, 2018). “Ten of the largest environment organizations publish manifesto ahead of 2019 European elections.


Green 10 (2018). “European Parliament election manifesto.(pdf)