On July 26, 2018, non-profit organization Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)+Business will hold the next webinar in its “Greening the global shopping cart” series.

The webinar called “The sustainability journey: What’s working? What’s needed?” will be given by Susannah Enkema and Virginia Vowell of The Shelton Group consultancy, focusing on “setting and executing science-based sustainable supply chain goals.” The speakers will present their findings “from recent interviews with sustainability professionals across major industries.” They will address “the needs . . . on the path to setting supply chain sustainability goals,” “the sources . . . for education and inspiration in the sustainable supply chain space,” and “what roles NGOs are playing (and can play) in the process.”

Registration is now open.

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EDF+Business (July 2018). “Greening the Global Shopping Cart. A webinar series for innovation and best practices.