On February 28, 2018, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published its annual progress report on the evaluation of substance registration dossiers under REACH. The report summarizes ECHA’s evaluation activities of 2017 and also provides an overview of the agency’s progress over the past ten years.

Since 2008, ECHA has evaluated the compliance of 1,952 registrations and found that “in the vast majority of cases, important safety information on chemicals was missing – mostly related to pre-natal developmental toxicity, mutagenicity or genotoxicity, reproduction toxicity and long-term aquatic toxicity.” Thus, ECHA has issued 2,586 information requests to dossier registrants.

In 2017, ECHA assessed the compliance of 222 registration dossiers, mostly covering substances of potential concern. ECHA requested additional information “essential for demonstrating the safe use of the substance” in 151 cases.

Read more

ECHA (February 28, 2018). “Information on chemicals still has to improve.

Luke Buxton (March 1, 2018). “Decade of REACH dossier evaluation reveals 70% non-compliance.Chemical Watch


ECHA (February 2018). “Evaluation under REACH: Progress report 2017 – 10 years of experience.(pdf)