On January 29, 2018, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published the final version of its substitution strategy. The strategy “aims to encourage the replacement of harmful chemicals by boosting the availability and adoption of safer alternatives and technologies,” ECHA informed. Four main areas of action are outlined in the strategy: 1) Building capacity along the supply chain, 2) funding and technical support for substitution initiatives, 3) making more efficient use of ECHA’s chemicals database, and 4) developing coordination and collaboration networks. The strategy will be implemented as part of ECHA’s annual work plan and will be further developed from 2019 onwards. ECHA will report annually on the progress in implementing the strategy.

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ECHA (January 29, 2018). “New strategy promotes substitution to safer chemicals in the EU.

Leigh Stringer (January 11, 2018). “ECHA substitution strategy sets out four ‘areas of action.’Chemical Watch


ECHA (January 2018). “Strategy to promote substitution to safer chemicals through innovation.(pdf)