In an article published on October 31, 2017, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch reported on a policy brief released by the European Trade Union Institute (Etui) regarding the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON). In March 2016, the European Commission decided on the establishment of the EUON instead of setting up an EU register with mandatory notification of nanomaterials for industry (FPF reported). The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched the EUON website in June 2017 (FPF reported). Etui deems the EUON “not an ideal option” because it “cannot offer regulatory solutions and merely restructures existing information.” To improve the EUON, Etui recommends ECHA to demand “registration dossiers of sufficient quality on nanomaterials or the nanoform of substances under REACH.” Also, Etui urges that scientific information is made visible in the public part of REACH registration dossiers and calls for transparency concerning safety-related information.

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Chemical Watch (October 31, 2017). “European trade union body sees nanomaterials observatory limitations.

Etui (2017). “EU Observatory for Nanomaterials: A constructive view on future regulation.(pdf)