In an article published on October 12, 2017 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, editor Leigh Stringer reported that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) intends to establish a “European multi-stakeholder network that focuses on promoting the substitution of hazardous chemicals.” The European Commission, EU Member State authorities, industry, non-governmental organizations, and academia will be invited to join the network. The goal of the network is to further develop ECHA’s substitution strategy – a draft of which was published in August 2017 and a final version is expected by the end of the year. ECHA’s intentions were announced by the agency’s head of the risk and implementation unit, Matti Vainio, at Chemical Watch’s Nordic Chemicals Summit that took place on October 10-11, 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark (FPF reported). Vainio further informed that ECHA will organize supply chain workshops in 2018, with the first one taking place in February in Bulgaria.

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Leigh Stringer (October 12, 2017). “ECHA to set up supply chain network to promote substitution.Chemical Watch