Food & Chemical Safety Committee of the North America branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI NA) has organized a workshop which was held on September 27, 2016 in Washington D. C., U.S. and was entitled “Scientific advances and challenges in safety evaluation of food packaging materials.

The workshop’s objective was “to provide a scientific forum [for representatives of government, academia and industry] to discuss the state of the science in toxicology, exposure and risk assessment as it relates to the safety of food packaging,” aiming to “[demonstrate] the safety of food packaging, [identify] research gaps and [gain] consensus on the path forward.” An additional focus was on recycled packaging and sustainability.

Videos of presentations and panel discussions held at the workshop are now available online. The topics covered include insights into toxicological and chemical challenges in safety assessment of food packaging materials, migration and migration modeling, recycling of packaging materials, emerging technologies in food packaging, as well as U.S. and global regulatory aspects.

Workshop’s proceedings are expected to be published in a peer-reviewed journal and will also be posted on the workshop webpage in the future.

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ILSI NA (2016). “Scientific advances and challenges in safety evaluation of food packaging materials.