On July 13, 2016, from 7pm – 8pm Central European Summer Time (CEST), the Collaborative on Health and the Environment will host a conference call to inform about the role of science in assessing chemical safety, certain aspects of the implementation process, and the implications for vulnerable communities in light of the recently reformed U.S. chemicals regulation, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (FPF reported). Speakers include Daniel Rosenberg, senior attorney for the Health and Environment Program at the U.S. Natural Resources Defense Council, Mike Belliveau, executive director of the Environmental Health Strategy Center and senior advisor to Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, and Cecil Corbin-Mark, deputy director and director of policy initiatives at WE ACT for Environmental Justice. Registration is available online.

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CHE (2016). “TSCA reform: Understanding the science, implementation, and implications of the new chemical safety act.