On May 18-19, 2016 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) hosted a symposium on “The future of risk assessment and toxicity testing for chemical mixtures” in Utrecht, the Netherlands (FPF reported). Several research projects tackling the issue of mixture toxicity were presented. The EuroMix project aims to develop a new mixture testing and risk assessment strategy. The EUToxRisk21 project shall contribute to better understanding of the mechanisms of toxic action and assess the feasibility of screening a high number of chemicals.

In terms of health effects, the European Biomonitoring Initiative shall contribute to better understanding of the overall health effects based on questionnaires, health examination, and biomonitoring results. The EXPOsOMICS project aims to develop a new approach to assess environmental exposures, primarily focusing on air pollution and water contaminants. The EDC-MixRisk project focuses on the effects of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), particularly on children. These projects demonstrate the advantages of close cooperation between toxicology and epidemiology, RIVM writes.

Further, EFSA announced it has set up a working group developing “guidance aimed at harmonizing methodologies for assessing the human and ecological risks posed by exposure to multiple chemicals.”

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EFSA (June 8, 2016). ”Chemical mixtures: Debating the issues.

RIVM (2016). “Report EFSA-RIVM symposium.