In an article published on March 10, 2016 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, Vanessa Zainzinger discusses the recent report on the risk management of bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) issued by the Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) (FPF reported), and the responses it has received so far from regulatory bodies.

RIVM’s report asked the Dutch government to initiate an EU-wide reconsideration of BPA exposure limits, such as the tolerable daily intake (TDI) and occupational exposure limit (OEL). Furthermore, RIVM asked for an immediate introduction of additional measures to reduce BPA exposure of vulnerable population groups on the national scale. These calls are now supported by the Dutch health ministry, as it “told the Dutch House of Representatives that it will ‘take RIVM’s advice’ and ‘actively promote’ stricter measures at EU level.” In the Netherlands, the health ministry plans to work with manufacturers to find safer alternatives to BPA.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) informed that it plans to perform a reevaluation of BPA that will consider the immune system effects of BPA highlighted by RIVM’s report as well as “any new relevant studies, addressing the toxicity endpoints for which uncertainty currently exists, and which have been published since EFSA’s last opinion.” However, this reevaluation will be initiated only after the CLARITY-BPA studies of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) are published, what is expected next year.


Vanessa Zainzinger (March 10, 2016). “Dutch health ministry backs call for tighter standards on BPA.Chemical Watch