In an article published on February 22, 2016 by the non-profit organization CHEM Trust, Ninja Reineke informs that the twelfth negotiation round on the Transatlantic Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the U.S. and the EU has started in Brussels, Belgium. This round will focus on regulatory cooperation within TTIP, Reineke writes.

CHEM Trust reiterates its concern that the proposed regulatory cooperation will undermine existing chemicals regulation (e.g. REACH) and thus weaken environmental and human protection from hazardous chemicals both in the EU and the U.S.. Reineke also refers to a position paper published by the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) highlighting the incompatibility of the approaches to chemicals regulation in the EU and the U.S. (FPF reported). Further, Reineke points to a new report published by the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) comparing regulatory cooperation in TTIP with the European Commission’s (EC) ‘Better Regulation’ agenda. CEO concludes that both processes create opportunities for industry while hindering law-makers from “introducing new measures in the public interest.”

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Ninja Reineke (February 22, 2016). “TTIP talks re-start, and threaten our protection from hazardous chemicals.CHEM Trust


BEUC (January 22, 2016). “The incompatible chemistry between the EU and the US – BEUC position on chemicals in TTIP.(pdf)

CEO (February 2016). “How the European Commission is doing the job of big business.(pdf)