On August 5, 2014 the French television channel France 5 broadcasted the documentary “Endoc(t)rinement” by the French journalist Stéphane Horel. The documentary addresses the discussion surrounding the regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) at the European level and the ensuing creation of a legal definition of EDCs. In 2013, Horel uncovered undeclared industry ties of toxicologists who had called the European EDC regulation over-precautionary (previously reported on by the FPF). In response to the documentary’s broadcasting the French daily newspaper Le Monde published an article in which journalist Stéphane Foucart calls into question the necessity of a Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) in the European Commission. In the article, Foucart summarizes the ongoing debate surrounding CSA Anne Glover and her role in the regulation of EDCs in Europe.

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Stéphane Horel (2014). “Endocrination.YouTube.

Stéphane Foucart (September 1, 2014). “Polémique autour de la conseillère scientifique en chef de Bruxelles.Le Monde (in French).