The US chemical industry trade association American Chemistry Council’s Vice President for Communication, Anne Kolton, published a blog article on August 7, 2014 about the importance of updating the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in a joint, bi-partisan effort. She details 3 reasons why TSCA is important: Firstly, in her opinion product innovation depends on reliable chemical regulations such as TSCA. Secondly, Kolton criticizes the European chemical regulation REACH for being damaging to small US businesses and European chemical manufacturers, and sees an opportunity for US leadership in developing a less expensive and faster new chemical regulation through TSCA reform. Thirdly, she sees California’s Green Chemistry program as an immediate threat for US manufacturers who are being pressured “to drop certain ingredients from their products”. However, in Kolton’s view the Californian program is “a mess”, and struggles with “factual errors, process fouls and questionable conclusions”. However, the Californian way may become a benchmark for the entire US, which is why Kolton is pushing for a fast nation-wide solution on chemical regulation.

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Kolton, A. Three reasons TSCA reform should be kept high on the political agenda. ACC, August 7, 2014.