In June 2014, the Swedish Chemical Agency (Kemi) published a toxic-free 2015-2020 (pdf) action plandeveloping strategies both at the national and international level. The agency identifies chemicals in food and drinking water, hazardous substances in articles and exposure of children and young people as major issues to be addressed during the upcoming 5 years. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and highly fluorinated substances (PFASs) are a particular focus of the strategy. Kemi announces in the strategy that it will push for more cooperation among EU member states regarding the enforcement of existing chemicals legislation on articles and that it intends to become more active in EU technical working groups. On May 28, 2014 Kemi also submitted a note to the Council of the European Union urging the development of an action plan for PFASs. The new Swedish action plan is a follow-up of the “Action Plan for toxic-free living 2011-2014”.

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Kemi (June 2014). “Handlingsplan för en giftfri vardag 2015-2020.(in Swedish)

Kemi (March 2011). “Action Plan for toxic-free living 2011-2014.”

General Secretariat of the Council (May 28, 2014). “Need for an EU action plan for highly fluorinated substances (PFASs) – Information from the Swedish delegation.” Council of the European Union.