News Article

Behavior and labeling interventions to reduce plastic pollution

Three studies research plastic labeling shortcomings, effectiveness of behavioral interventions; article recommends plastic labels should include sustainability scale, provide regional disposal instructions, and list additives; review considers bigger picture, stakeholder diversity, and several techniques to increase effectiveness of behavioral interventions to reduce single-use plastic consumption; study finds social media does not affect consumer’s intentions to recycle plastics

News Article

Review investigates challenges of assessing NIAS in plastic FCMs

Literature review summarizes challenges regarding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in plastic food contact materials (FCMs); describes 52 studies with their applied methodologies for NIAS extraction and identification, plastic types analyzed, and NIAS detected; highlights NIAS assessment as a challenge for scientific community and industry due to lack of hazard data, a missing harmonized methodology, and outdated regulatory guidelines

News Article

Six urgent questions to address PFAS

Environmental Science and Technology feature article discusses six urgent questions to be answered to address worldwide per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances’ (PFAS) contamination and health impacts; describes importance, barriers, and ways forward for each question; emphasizes the need for cooperation, increased transparency, consideration of environmental equity; US FDA’s budget request calls for increased investment in addressing PFAS

Events Webcast: 2017 Workshop

Scientific challenges in the risk assessment of food contact materials

5 October 2017 The 2017 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop featured high profile speakers and provided an ideal platform for engaging in inspiring discussions with different stakeholders. As a novelty, the FPF provided access to a live webcast of this year’s workshop for a minimal registration fee. Participants who could not attend the workshop in person, thus still had the opportunity to follow the speaker presentations, Q&As, and the podium discussion. The FPF workshop is a unique event in […]