News Article

Study finds microplastics impact colon cancer cells, could increase metastasis

Study of colon cancer cell lines finds polystyrene micro and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) can be absorbed into cancerous cells in experimental settings; the more aggressive cell line absorbed the most MNPs and presence of MNPs increased cell movement; evidence of persistence and bioaccumulation; authors argue MNPs fit criteria as substance of concern under REACH

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Health costs of PFAS estimated

Nordic Co-operation publishes socioeconomic analysis of environmental and human health impacts from exposure to PFAS; estimates EEA member countries incur 52 to 84 billion Euro in PFAS-related health costs annually

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Microplastics found in beer

German television program reports on microplastics in beer and mineral waters, association of breweries rejects allegations

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BfR opinion on EFSA’s PFOS, PFOA evaluation

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment publishes opinion supporting tolerable weekly intake levels for PFOS and PFOA developed by European Food Safety Authority; reconfirms earlier 2008 statement that consumer health risk in Germany exists

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Updated risk assessment highlights the need for stricter regulation on MOH in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates risk assessment on mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) in food; highest MOH levels found in vegetable oils; notes that data gaps exist, especially in mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) impact on toddlers; “extremely likely” that dietary exposure to MOAH is a concern for toddlers; EFSA recommendations aim to guide EU policy on allowable MOH levels in food