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US EPA extends comment period on PFAS reporting requirements

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extends comment period for proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); would require manufacturers that produced PFAS at anytime since 2011 to make a one-time report with information about uses, production volumes, disposal, exposures, and hazards; comments accepted until September 27, 2021

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EU’s Chemicals Strategy plans actions on FCMs

European Commission (EC) publishes Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; plans to ban PFAS for all non-essential uses, move towards grouping approach for regulation of all chemicals; specific actions for food contact materials (FCM) include extending generic approach to risk management, identifying endocrine disruptors, considering cumulative effects of chemical mixtures

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Studies investigate extractable and leachable FCCs, present collision cross section database

Scientists develop collisions cross section (CCS) database for leachable and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCs) to help in chemical identification during targeted and untargeted analysis; database covers 1038 CCS values; study tentatively identifies >100 migrants from 24 plastic food packaging articles including 11 that are of potential concern or are priority hazardous substances

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Companies target 100% bio-based PET

New process converts non-food biomass into important feedstock for PET production; partner companies aim to achieve fully bio-based PET that is cost-competitive

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FCM compliance conference

Regulatory developments for food contact materials discussed at Intertek and European Plastics News conference on 15-16 October in Nice, France

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Brand audits identify top polluters

Report by Greenpeace and Break Free From Plastic names 10 global companies whose products appear to be the biggest contributors to plastic pollution worldwide based on findings from beach cleanups and brand audits