News Article

Study finds metabolism- and endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in plastic food packaging can migrate

A recent study explores the diversity of chemicals migrating from food contact articles into food simulants; 73% of extractable chemicals also migrated to food simulants; only 2% could be matched to currently known plastic chemicals; all migrates activated nuclear receptors, may disrupt metabolism or the endocrine system; migrates from PUR, PVC and LDPE contained more chemicals than other tested polymers and were more toxic

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Proposed approaches for managing EDCs

Chem Trust publishes policy proposal for a new overarching legislation on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), establishing a single EDC identification system, ensuring full transparency and easy access to information via official EU lists; European Commission preliminary document proposes creating new hazard classes to include EDCs in Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulation