News Article

US obesity rates remain high

New NGO report reveals overall high obesity incidence in the entire U.S., rates of increase slowing down since 2005

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Migration of mineral oils and DIPN from paperboard into dry foods

Swiss and Italian researchers publish new study comparing the effect of different testing and storage conditions on migration behavior of MOSH, MOAH and DIPN from paperboard into non-fatty dry foodstuffs. Observed levels of migration were in the part per million (ppm) range (mg/kg food). Migration levels were highest for egg pasta packaged in paperboard and enclosed in an outer polypropylene bag.

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Phthalates found in diverse array of foods, from coffee to baby formula

Systematic review summarizes phthalate occurrence in different foods, discusses sources, and potential risk; researchers assess how coffee packaging and brewing method affects bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di-butyl phthalate (DBP) levels in coffee; perform targeted analysis of 245 plastic additives in baby foods; report widespread contamination including a median of 46.1 ng phthalate esters per gram baby food

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European Commission hosts workshop to contribute to substitution planning

Report from workshop on “strengthening the role of substitution planning” finds consensus and sticking points on road to REACH revision; broad consensus that industry should be responsible for creating the substitution plans but disagreements on how to assess the plan and monitor implementation; study on substitution planning to be published by the end of 2024