News Article

Studies detect microplastics in food and link it to packaging, processing equipment

Several articles published since the beginning of 2023 have analyzed plastic particles in packaged foods and beverages, including salt, sugar, canned fish, bottled water, soft drinks, and cold tea; draw a connection to packaging and food processing; migration studies demonstrate particle release from plastic food containers and breastmilk storage bags; review develops 10 criteria for data quality assessment and find most studies “unreliable” on one or more criteria

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Manufactured nanomaterials in food

French NGO Agir pour l’Environnement finds TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles in food products not labelled as ‘nano’; calls for moratorium on nanoparticle use in consumer goods

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Call for binding packaging quotas in Germany

German NGOs and industry associations urge national government to introduce binding quotas for reusable beverage containers; say national target of 70% by 2022 will not be achieved unless progressive steps introduced, discount stores adapt, consumer habits change

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HBM4EU: 2nd prioritization round

European Human Biomonitoring Initiative holds stakeholder workshop, presents strategy for the 2nd prioritization round, discusses short list of substances