News Article

Which foods could use less packaging?

Study by Package Heroes project investigates plastic material content in food product categories and greatest potential for plastic reduction; finds reduction would have strongest positive impact for candy, ready-to-eat meals; data helps to focus research on specific product groups

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EC study guides creation of sustainable-by-design criteria

European Commission (EC) releases study mapping current sustainability initiatives and research applicable to creating sustainable-by-design criteria; particular focus on materials and chemicals, including a section assessing nanomaterials; finds few policies related to the production phase of a material’s life cycle; next steps are to identify specific aspects of sustainability to be covered in the criteria and how to evaluate them

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Terminus and BioICEP address multilayer recycling

Research consortium secures 12 million Euro funding, launches projects in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an Innovation for USes in packaging (Terminus) and The BioInnovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics (BioICEP) ; set goal to solve problems associated with multilayered packaging, transform linear to a circular process

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Review confirms additive approach for chemical mixtures

Systematic review analyzes over 700 mixture studies, confirms additive models are a good approximation, finds research focus primarily on binary mixtures; European Commission (EC) plans mixture assessment factor (MAF) for REACH; development of general mixture risk assessment methods and viable approaches to regulation still needed