News Article

BPA use in metal packaging

Survey by Environmental Working Group shows results for US metal food packaging; 12% of brands use BPA-free coatings; lack of information criticized

News Article

Food Dive article on resurgence of glass

Article discusses the benefits and shortfalls of glass as a food packaging material, sees glass as viable option for the future as brands commit to recyclable and reusable packaging

News Article

Gain weight because of endocrine disruption?

A study by scientists from the New York University’s School of Medicine published in September 2012 found elevated levels of a common food contact substance, bisphenol A (BPA), to be associated with a higher risk for being overweight in children and adolescents. The study used nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study collected in 6 to 19 year old US inhabitants. The study’s design does not permit conclusions regarding causation, however biological plausible explanations of how BPA may cause overweight or obesity do exist, making the study relevant and highlighting the need for further research.