News Article

Phthalates found in 'mac and cheese'

Phthalates found in 29 out of 30 tested U.S. cheese products; concentrations higher in processed compared to unprocessed cheeses; highest phthalate content found in powdered cheese from ‘mac and cheese’ ready meals

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Calls for reduced production instead of increased recycling

Greenpeace calls for reduction of single-use plastic production rather than promotion of recycling solutions; Plastic Pollution Coalition argues for promoting reuse rather than recycling; U.S. lawmakers discuss new bills under Save Our Seas Act, receive similar calls from stakeholders to favor reduction

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Microplastics detected in human testis and semen

Scientists assess microplastics in 30 human semen and 6 testis samples; first to demonstrate presence in human male reproductive system; review finds 9 out of 11 studies demonstrate that plastic particles can translocated across placental barrier

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Consumer preference for glass packaging

Friends of Glass survey finds EU-consumers to favor glass packaging for food and drink; glass considered to be safest packaging material with lowest risk of interaction with food