News Article

More information, transparency needed to phase-out PFAS

Study by Global PFAS Science Panel finds lack of information, transparency, and stakeholder coordination hindering phase-out of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); Green Science Policy Institute publishes repository linking to 75 databases on PFAS

News Article

Video recordings available now!

FPF holds workshop on hazardous substances in FCMs, presentation slides and video recordings now available

Reuse Fact Sheet

fact sheet Reusable Food Packaging and foodware Everyone is talking about reuse. It’s a promising approach to drastically reduce packaging waste, but scaling it up responsibly calls for some careful considerations. Check out our fact sheet for a quick introduction! English Spanish French What is reuse? Reusable foodware and packaging are repeatedly used for the same purpose for which they were originally created. Their stability and material properties allow them to be cleaned and hygienically reused many times. A minimum […]