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EDCs in the spotlight in the U.S.

Symposium in recognition of 25 years of EDC research hosted by NIEHS; scientific advances, challenges discussed; ACC blogs on why EDC science should not be celebrated; Endocrine Society calls for stronger policies on EDCs

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EFSA releases 2nd update to OpenFoodTox database

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) update adds 150 substances from 200 additional scientific assessments; future versions of database to expand coverage of chemical properties to metabolism, bioaccumulation, and exposure data

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EFSA proposes to lower daily tolerable intake of bisphenol A

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) re-evaluation proposes to significantly lower the tolerable daily intake of bisphenol A (BPA) from 4 to 0.00004 micrograms per kilogram of bodyweight per day due to immune system effects; finds many consumers likely exposed beyond the new safe limit; feedback accepted on the draft opinion until February 22, 2022

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EFSA looking for stakeholders

EFSA opens registration for becoming an official stakeholder; calls on consumer groups, NGOs, industry, distributors, health professionals, academia, and food producers active at EU level

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EFSA pledges data transparency

EFSA announces publicizing of data used in scientific opinions; data submitted by EU Member States to be shared starting 2016; industry worried over trade secrets and health scares

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EFSA updates food consumption database

EFSA releases updated Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database, includes data from EU Menu project, covers more population groups and new food categories